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This package comes with:
Our multi-functional gym station allows you to undertake a huge variety of strength workouts all on the one machine. Get a full body workout and target key muscle group with numerous upper and lower body exercises. Add weights to increase the intensity during your training sessions.
The BN-9 FID Adjustable Exercise Bench offers a vast array of workout possibilities to diversify your fitness routine. From flat bench presses for building a solid chest to inclined and declined positions for targeting specific muscle groups, this bench is your ticket to a comprehensive workout regimen.
Our rubber Olympic Plates are made with high quality durable materials to ensure longevity.
With high quality stainless steel mixed with needle bearings, 28mm grip diameter and a industry standard 7ft sizing, the Cortex Olympic Barbells are optimized for both Olympic lifts and Powerlifting delivering a firm but non-abrasive grip, a consistent spin, and great reliability and longevity.
Needle Bearings provide a smooth rotation during olympic lifts. Our needle bearings reduce friction during lifts, and are better than bushing collars.
Our knurling provides a great balance between a firm but non-abrasive grip. Centre knurling is on this bar for greater grip during squats.
For easy handling, the heavy duty rubber ensures the ultimate durability and protection from equipment and flooring.
Our Olympic Bumper Plates (V2) are designed to IWF standards to ensure maximum quality and reliability. 50mm hole diameter on all sizes.
The simple locking mechanism allows for easy lock and release.